

this is now

Just when I thought my sin has closed the door
I see my Savior standing on the shore
With arms wide open
Just like the first time You called my name
You said that was then
And this is now

My child, I bore your cross, I wore your crown
When you couldn't come to me, my love came down
So take My hand, I'll lead you out
Cause that was then
And this is now

~ Casting Crowns

I love this song because it reminds me that no matter how far I wander away from my Savior, He will always be there to draw me back in. He will hold me and love me even when I wander, He will call me back to Him. As a broken and sinful human, I often wander, and don't live my life for His glory. I remember the feeling when I first followed Christ, I thought nothing could take my focus away from my Savior, but somehow I drifted. Being a Christian isn't as easy as I used to think it was, it takes work, hard work. There are so many things that Satan brings into our path to draw us away from Him, but He promised that no matter what the devil brings, He will provide a way of escape (I Corinthians 10:12-13). This is encouraging to me, because no matter how big and powerful Satan is; God is so much more powerful, and he will not allow us to be tempted beyond our ability. He will always be there for us.


Taking Flight

When I think about "taking flight" many images and memories come to my mind. The first thing I think about is a bird. This brings me back to when I was young, and would carefully fill the bird feeders every week. I remember looking out the window, watching for new birds and writing down every new species I saw.

This also reminds me of one of my favorite books in middle school My Side of the Mountain. I loved almost everything about that book, but one of the most memorable parts of the book was his description of his Peregrine falcon. He would let this falcon fly, and it would soar higher and higher into the sky until he just appeared as a speck. I think these images appeal to me so much because of the freedom and exhilaration that flying seems to be.

I am at a stage in my life where I am in some form of taking flight. I am in my second year of college, and as I am in an accelerated program, I will graduate next year with a degree as a teacher. After that, I hope to get my own apartment and start my first job as a teacher. For the first time in my life, I won't live in my parent's home, and I will have to provide for myself. I also think of the image of taking flight as I will assist my students in "taking flight" in their own learning. I think we all take flight in our own ways at different stages, so this blog is a way for me to process what I learn while I am in the process of taking flight as an adult, and while I learn about how my students take flight in their own way.